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Ecology and Vulnerability White Sucker
Ecology and Vulnerability
White Sucker
In eastern North America, white suckers are a fish that range from Newfoundland south to the Tennessee River. White suckers primarily occupy cool water lakes and... Read More
In eastern North America, white suckers are a fish that range from Newfoundland south to the Tennessee River. White suckers primarily occupy cool water lakes and ponds, but migrate into tributaries to spawn in the spring 11. They are a cool water adapted species, which means they require water temperatures of 15 to 25 °C (59 to 77 °F) 6. They have a maximum tolerance of about 27.4 °C (around 81 °F) 3. White suckers inhabit shallow water at night where they feed on invertebrates, mayfly nymphs, chironomid larvae and detritus (waste and debris), and move into cooler, deeper sections of water during the day 9. In northern temperate fish communities, white suckers have a significant influence on the growth and production of other fishes because they are strong competitors 9.
Climate Impacts
Climate change is likely to affect white suckers through habitat loss and distributional changes. Under a projected doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, the number of water bodies in the contiguous US with suitable cool water fish habitat is expected to decrease by 30%, with the largest impact on cool water habitats occurring in shallow lakes less than 4m deep 16. Cold-adapted species are also predicted to shift north and move deeper in the water column 10. For instance, lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) that are also adapted to cool temperatures and lower levels of oxygen in the winter 15 closely track temperature in their lake habitats in May, indicating that the species’ distribution may be affected by climate change 5.
Increased water temperature is also expected to have a number of impacts on the physiology and demography of cool water fishes like white suckers. Temperature increases are expected to cause greater surface water temperatures and longer periods of thermal stratification (different temperatures at different depths) and ice-free conditions in lakes and ponds 14. Cool water fish have preferred temperature ranges centered around 24° C that define the range at which these fish achieve maximum growth rates, activity levels, and swimming performance 14. In turn, changes in growth rates due to temperature shifts can also lead to demographic differences such as age of maturity of adults and survival rate of juveniles 14. For instance, white suckers that inhabit deep lakes with cooler temperatures tend to grow faster and be larger-bodied 9. An even more cold-adapted species, the burbot (Lota lota), showed significant decrease in hatchling and larval success with increasing temperatures and reduced access to prey resulting in a 50 year decline in Lake Oneida, New York 8. In addition, increased summerkill (death resulting from high temperature and low dissolved oxygen content in the water) is expected to have significant adverse effects on cool water habitats 16.
Changes in the timing of life history events induced by climate change may also affect white suckers. Shifting the timing of morphological development required for feeding and other life history traits may disrupt the overlap in timing between predators and prey 19. This phenomenon has been seen for related species. For instance, larval yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Oneida Lake, New York, got larger earlier in the year, correlated with above average May water temperatures 7. Warming water temperatures also advance hatching in lake whitefish 13. In addition to these temperature limitations, habitat fragmentation and land conversion are negatively impacting some fish populations 1,12. White suckers make long migrations to access spawning habitats; thus, habitat connectivity is important to consider in their conservation 11.
Finally, changes in community structure can also be an important factor. For example, invasion by the parasitic sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) has already contributed to major declines in many Great Lakes fish populations and even higher rates of mortality are expected as warmer waters lead to larger lamprey, higher feeding rates, and higher mortality of host fishes 17. Changes in community structure can also be caused by extreme events, stemming from or worsened by climate change 2,18. For instance, a population of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), a cool-adapted species, declined significantly as a result of a mid-winter ice break-up and the associated flood and ice scour disturbance it caused 4.
1. Argent, D.G., and W.G. Kimmel. 2013. Potential impacts of climate change on brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations in streams draining the Laurel Hill in Pennsylvania. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 28: 489–502.
2. Boucek, R.E., and J.S. Rehage. 2014. Climate extremes drive changes in functional community structure. Global Change Biology 20: 1821–1831.
3. Eaton, J.G., and R.M. Scheller. 1996. Effects of climate warming on fish thermal habitat in streams of the United States. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography 41: 1109–1115.
4. Edwards, P., and R. Cunjak. 2007. Influence of water temperature and streambed stability on the abundance and distribution of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus). Environmental Biology of Fishes 80: 9–22.
5. Gorsky, D., J. Zydlewski, and D. Basley. 2012. Characterizing Seasonal Habitat Use and Diel Vertical Activity of Lake Whitefish in Clear Lake, Maine, as Determined with Acoustic Telemetry. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141: 761–771.
6. Huff, A., and A. Thomas. 2014. Lake Superior Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. Prepared for the Lake Superior Lakewide Action and Management Plan – Superior Work Group Available at Http://
7. Irwin, B.J., L.G. Rudstam, J.R. Jackson, A.J. Vandevalk, J.L. Forney, D.G. Fitzgerald, et al. 2009. Depensatory Mortality , Density-Dependent Growth , and Delayed Compensation : Disentangling the Interplay of Mortality , Growth , and Density during Early Life Stages of Yellow Perch. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138: 99–110.
8. Lahnsteiner, F., M. Kletzl, and T. Weismann. 2012. The effect of temperature on embryonic and yolk-sac larval development in the burbot Lota lota. J Fish Biol 81: 977–986.
9. Logan, C., E.A. Trippel, and F.W.H. Beamish. 1991. Thermal stratification and benthic foraging patterns of white sucker. Hydrobiologia 213: 125–132.
10. Lynch, A.J., W.W. Taylor, and K.D. Smith. 2010. The influence of changing climate on the ecology and management of selected Laurentian Great Lakes fisheries. J Fish Biol 77: 1764–1782.
11. McManamay, R.A., J.T. Young, and J. Donald. 2012. Spawning of White Sucker ( Catostomus commersoni ) in a Stormwater Pond Inlet. The American Midland Naturalist 168: 466–476.
12. National Wildlife Federation and Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences. 2014. The vulnerabilities of northeastern fish and wildlife habitats to sea level rise: A report to the Northeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Manomet, Plymouth, MA.
13. Patrick, P.H., E. Chen, J. Parks, J. Powell, J.S. Poulton, and C.L. Fietsch. 2013. Effects of Fixed and Fluctuating Temperature on Hatch of Round Whitefish and Lake Whitefish Eggs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33: 1091–1099.
14. Shuter, B.J., and J.D. Meisner. 1992. Tools for Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Fish Populations. GeoJournal 28: 7–20.
15. Shuter, B.J., A.G. Finstad, I.P. Helland, I. Zweimüller, and F. Hölker. 2012. The role of winter phenology in shaping the ecology of freshwater fish and their sensitivities to climate change. Aquatic Sciences 74: 637–657.
16. Stefan, H.G., X. Fang, and J.G. Eaton. 2001. Simulated Fish Habitat Changes in North American Lakes in Response to Projected Climate Warming. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130: 459–477.
17. Swink, W.D. 1993. Effect of Water Temperature on Sea Lamprey Growth and Lake Trout Survival. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122: 1161–1166.
18. van Vrancken, J., and M. O’Connell. 2010. Effects of Hurricane Katrina on Freshwater Fish Assemblages in a Small Coastal Tributary of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139: 1723–1732.
19. Winder, Monika, A., and D.E. Schindler. 2004. Climate change uncouples trophic interactions in an aquatic ecosystem. Ecology 85: 2100–2106.
Although this species' vulnerability to climate change was not specified, it is influenced by the following factors:
- Sensitive to warming stream temperatures
- Habitat... Read More
Although this species' vulnerability to climate change was not specified, it is influenced by the following factors:
- Sensitive to warming stream temperatures
- Habitat range is expected to contract
Sievert, N. 2014. An assessment of stream fish vulnerability and an evaluation of conservation networks in Missouri. Unpublished master's thesis. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
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