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Ecology and Vulnerability Northern Diamond-backed Terrapin
Documented observations of Northern Diamond-backed Terrapins shown in orange. Data were developed by the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program as part of the BioMap2 project.
HideDocumented observations of Northern Diamond-backed Terrapins shown in orange. Data were developed by the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program as part of the...
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Ecology and Vulnerability
Northern Diamond-backed Terrapin

Photo credit: US Fish and Wildlife Service
The northern diamond-backed terrapin is a medium-sized turtle that lives in brackish water habitats such as bays, sounds and estuaries. This subspecies of the... Read More
The northern diamond-backed terrapin is a medium-sized turtle that lives in brackish water habitats such as bays, sounds and estuaries. This subspecies of the diamond-backed terrapin typically inhabits coastal salt marshes from New Jersey to Massachusetts, which is the northernmost edge of its historical range 1. Other subspecies of the diamond-backed terrapin are found along the Atlantic coastline to as far south as Florida and Texas along the Gulf of Mexico. The northern diamond-backed terrapin has a wedge-shaped top shell with ring patterns and pronounced ridges along the top. Coloration is highly variable, with the shell usually being gray, light brown, green, and black, while the skin is usually grayish to black with spots and speckle patterns 7. Adult females are about twice the size of adult males 2. Females become sexually mature at 8-10 years and males at 5-7 years 2. They live to 40 years of age and possibly longer.
Northern diamond-backed terrapins hibernate during the winter months in mud by burrowing in creek beds or banks or in salt marshes. Nesting habitat primarily occurs in shrubland, dune, and mixed grassland habitats, as well as man-made trails on sandy beaches 4. They primarily feed on crustaceans such as small crabs, snails, and mollusks. Natural predators include raccoons, large crabs, fish, and seagulls. Raccoons in particular are known to be significant predators of terrapins, and can prey upon 90% of nests where they overlap in coastal habitats 4.
Recreational and commercial crab pots threaten terrapin populations by unintentional capture and drowning 5. Human development bordering coastal marshes and shorelines also have negative impacts, especially where terrapins occur in low numbers 11. Roadside fences have been successful to prevent road mortality 9, but other coastal anthropogenically-engineered structures, such as bulkheads on beaches, prevent terrapin access to dune nesting habitat, which has energetic costs and alters their natural behavior 12. Manmade structures constructed with gaps or other open features can provide terrapins better access to nesting habitat. Artificial nesting habitats can also be created to offset barriers to natural nesting areas 13.
Climate Impacts
In Massachusetts, this species is at the northern edge of its range 10, which may increase its vulnerability to climate change. Increased erosion from sea level rise, storm surge, and human activities will likely alter this species’ habitat. Sea level rise, flooding, and storm surge events have a very high likelihood of disrupting nesting habitat and negatively influencing salt marsh food webs that support terrapin populations throughout their life cycles 8.
Because the sex of terrapins, as well as other turtles, is determined by temperature during incubation, increasing temperature due to climate change is likely to influence the ratio of males and females within their populations 3. These demographic changes may have serious impacts on terrapin responses and adaptation to future environmental change 6. Nonetheless, the mobility of this species as well as the diverse habitat conditions that terrapins can live in across their range may help this species cope with some of the impacts of climate change.
1. Brennessel, B.A. 2006a. Diamonds in the Marsh: A Natural History of the Diamondback Terrapin. University Press of New England. Lebanon, NH. pp. 236.
2. Brennessel, B. 2006b. The Northern Diamondback Terrapin Habitat, Management and Conservation. Wheaton College, Norton, MA.
3. Burke, R.L. and A.M. Calichio. 2014. Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in the Diamond-backed Terrapin. Journal of Herpetology 48:466-470.
4. Feinberg, J.A and R.L. Burke. 2003. Nesting Ecology and Predation of Diamondback Terrapins, Malaclemys terrapin, at Gateway National Recreation Area, New York. Journal of Herpetology 37:517-526.
5. Grosse, A.M., J.D. Van Dijk, K.L. Holcomb, J.C. Maerz. 2009. Diamondback Terrapin Mortality in Crab Pots in a Georgia Tidal Marsh. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 8: 98-100.
6. Hulin, V., V. Delmas, M. Girondot, M.H. Godfrey, J.M. Guillon. 2009. Temperature-dependent sex determination and global change: are some species at greater risk? Oecologia 160:493-506.
7. [NHESP] Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. 2008. Diamond-backed Terrapin. Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife. pp. 3. Available at:
8. [NPS] National Park Service. Northeast Coastal Icons: The Glasshouse. Diamondback Terrapin. Accessed 3/29/16. Available at:
9. Reses, H.E., A.R>D. Rabosky, and R.C. Wood. 2015. Nesting Success and Barrier Breaching: Accessing the Effectiveness of Roadway Fencing in Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin). Herpetological Conservaation anf Biology 10:161-179.
10. Schlesinger, M.D., J.D. Corser, K.A. Perkins, and E.L. White. 2011. Vulnerability of at-risk species to climate change in New York. New York Natural Heritage Program, Albany, NY.
11. Simoes, J., and R. M. Chambers. 1999. The diamondback terrapins of Piermont Marsh, Hudson River, New York. Northeastern Naturalist 6:241-248.
12. Winters, J.M. 2013. The effects of Bulkheading on Diamondback Terrapin Nesting in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Thesis Dissertation. Drexel University.
13. Winters, J.M., H.W. Avery, E.A. Standora, and J.R. Spotila, 2015: Between the Bay and a Hard Place: Alterned Diamondback terrapin nesting movements demonstrate the effects of coastal barriers upon estuarine wildlife. J. Wildlife Mangement, 79 (4), 682-688.
Although this species was identified as not vulnerable to climate change, the following factors increase vulnerability:
- Sea-level rise
- Specific hydrological thresholds... Read More
Although this species was identified as not vulnerable to climate change, the following factors increase vulnerability:
- Sea-level rise
- Specific hydrological thresholds
- Genetic bottlenecking
Sneddon, L. A., and G. Hammerson. 2014. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments of Selected Species in the North Atlantic LCC Region. NatureServe, Arlington, VA.
This species was listed as likely to experience a population decrease because of the following factors:
- Habitat loss
- Sea level rise
This species was listed as likely to experience a population decrease because of the following factors:
- Habitat loss
- Sea level rise
Adaptation Subcommittee to the Governor’s Steering Committee on Climate Change (ASGSCCC). 2010. The impacts of climate change on Connecticut agriculture, infrastructure, natural resources and public health.
This species was listed as vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Specialized physiological and hydrological niche
- Habitat vulnerability to sea... Read More
This species was listed as vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Specialized physiological and hydrological niche
- Habitat vulnerability to sea level rise
- Genetic bottlenecking
- Anthropogenic barriers such as dams and culverts
Schlesinger, M.D., J.D. Corser, K.A. Perkins, and E.L. White. 2011. Vulnerability of at-risk species to climate change in New York. New York Natural Heritage Program, Albany, NY.
This species was listed as moderately vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Loss of breeding habitat
- Shoreline hardening from human activities... Read More
This species was listed as moderately vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Loss of breeding habitat
- Shoreline hardening from human activities
Sneddon, L. A., and G. Hammerson. 2014. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments of Selected Species in the North Atlantic LCC Region. NatureServe, Arlington, VA.
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