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Ecology and Vulnerability Moose
Landscape Capability (LC) for Moose for 2010 (DSL Current) and the future (DSL 2080) with higher LC shown in darker red. LC incorporates habitat, climate, and prevalence to estimate suitable and accessible conditions for the species. LC values can't be compared across species.
HideLandscape Capability (LC) for Moose for 2010 (DSL Current) and the future (DSL 2080) with higher LC shown in darker red. LC incorporates habitat, climate, and prevalence to estimate suitable and...
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Ecology and Vulnerability

Photo credit: Bill Byrne, MassWildlife
The moose is a cold-adapted species that is distributed across much of the northern United States and throughout Canada, as well as Europe and Asia. A dense... Read More
The moose is a cold-adapted species that is distributed across much of the northern United States and throughout Canada, as well as Europe and Asia. A dense coat and large body size help moose deal with extremely cold temperatures. They spend much of their time foraging on the buds, stems, and occasionally bark of woody vegetation throughout the year, as well as newly growing green shoots and leaves in the spring. Because they are so big, moose require a large volume of food, and some individuals consume more than 40-60 pounds of forage in a day.
In eastern North America, moose are at the southern limit of their range in Massachusetts and Connecticut1. Historically, they were found as far south as Pennsylvania and New Jersey, but were extirpated (went locally extinct) from these states and southern New England during colonial times. Currently, southern New England appears to have a healthy, relatively stable moose population, despite the recent dramatic declines seen elsewhere, such as in Minnesota.
Climate Impacts
Moose populations in Massachusetts are at low densities and do not appear to be declining2. Likewise, sightings in Connecticut have been increasing3. Conditions in Massachusetts are currently favorable for moose because thermal refuges, such as wetlands and closed canopy forest that allow moose to remain cool during hot days, are well interspersed with young, vigorously growing forest, which is their main forage habitat. Interactions with white-tailed deer, which can act as carriers for diseases to moose, do not seem as harmful to moose in Massachusetts, probably because the moose population itself is not very dense. In addition, lack of important predators, such as wolves, reduces overall mortality and allows moose to remain in food patches and thermal shelters for longer periods of time, rather than being pushed and moved by predators, which can increase energy demands and thermal stress2. However, given increased temperatures associated with future climate change scenarios, several experts predict moose distributions will retreat northward4,5,6.
In southern areas, moose experience heat stress and demonstrate behavioral responses to elevated temperatures7,8. In contrast to Massachusetts, several of these southern populations are currently declining, including populations in Minnesota9, Nova Scotia7, China4, and southern Norway8. Studies have linked these declines to changes associated with climate change, including increased densities of winter tick (Dermacentor albipicuts), and perhaps other parasites such as meningeal worm or brainworm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) carried by growing white-tailed deer populations; the stress of trying to maintain body temperature (thermoregulation) given rising air temperatures may also play an important role4,9.
Moose are susceptible to infestation by winter ticks and extreme tick loads are associated with substantial mortality10. Moose burdened by tick infestations rub against objects to relieve irritation, resulting in hair loss. Severe winters can greatly reduce tick survival, but the milder winters predicted are expected to increase tick densities. This increase in ticks is likely to result in increased mortality of moose in the Northeast11.
1. Wattles, D.W., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Status and management of moose in the northeastern United States. Alces. 47:53-68.
2. Wattles, D.W., and S. DeStefano. 2013. Moose habitat in Massachusetts: Assessing use at the southern edge of the range. Alces. 49:133-147.
3. Kilpatrick, H., D. Celotto, A. LaBonte, and R. Riggs. 2002. Moose are here to stay in CT. Connecticut Wildlife. 22:16-17.
4. Dou, H., G. Jiang, P. Stott, and R. Piao. 2013. Climate change impacts population dynamics and distribution shift of moose (Alces alces) in Heilongjiang Province of China. Ecological Research. 28:625-632.
5. Lenarz, M.S., M.E. Nelson, M.W. Schrage, and A.J. Edwards. 2010. Temperature mediated moose survival in northeastern Minnesota. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 73:503-510.
6. Rempel, R.S. 2011. Effects of climate change on moose populations: Exploring the response horizon through biometric and systems models. Ecological Modelling. 222:3355-3365.
7. Broders, H.G., A.B. Coombs, and J.R. McCarron. 2012. Ecothermic responses of moose (Alces alces) to thermoregulatory stress on mainland Nova Scotia. Alces. 48:53-61.
8. van Beest, F.M., B.V. Moorter, and J.M. Milner. 2012. Temperature-mediated habitat use and selection by a heat-sensitive northern ungulate. Animal Behaviour. 84:723-735.
9. Murray, D.L., E.W. Cox, W.B. Ballard, H.A. Whitlaw, M.S. Lenarz, T.W. Custer, T. Barnett, and T.K. Fuller. 2006. Pathogens, nutritional deficiency, and climate influences on a declining moose population. Wildlife Monographs. 166:1-30.
10. Musante, A.R., P.J. Pekins, and D.L. Scarpitti. 2007. Metabolic impact of winter tick infestations on calf moose. Alces. 43:101-110.
11. Rodenhouse, N.L., L.M. Christenson, D. Parry, and L.E. Green 2009. Climate change effects on native fauna of northeastern forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39:249-263.
Although this species was identified as not vulnerable to climate change, the following factors increase vulnerability:
- Sensitive to changes in temperature
- Already at... Read More
Although this species was identified as not vulnerable to climate change, the following factors increase vulnerability:
- Sensitive to changes in temperature
- Already at southern edge of range
The factors below decrease this species' vulnerability to climate change:
- Ability to move across the landscape and/or disperse relatively long distances
Sneddon, L. A., and G. Hammerson. 2014. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments of Selected Species in the North Atlantic LCC Region. NatureServe, Arlington, VA. Available from:
Although this species was identified as not vulnerable to climate change, the following factors increase vulnerability:
- Very sensitive to changes in temperature
- ... Read More
Although this species was identified as not vulnerable to climate change, the following factors increase vulnerability:
- Very sensitive to changes in temperature
- Limited genetic variation within the population
- Already at southern edge of range (species range may shift and perhaps leave this area)
The factors below decrease this species' vulnerability to climate change:
- Ability to move across the landscape and/or disperse relatively long distances
- Not restricted by the need for specialized habitat
Schlesinger, M.D., J.D. Corser, K.A. Perkins, and E.L. White. 2011. Vulnerability of at-risk species to climate change in New York. New York Natural Heritage Program, Albany, NY. Available from:
This species was identified as highly vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Already at southern edge of range in less than half of northern part of state... Read More
This species was identified as highly vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Already at southern edge of range in less than half of northern part of state
- Habitat is likely to experience significant declines (by at least two-thirds)
- Temperature increases may prevent species from surviving in some life stages
- Growth or reproduction may be harmed by additional stress from high temperatures
- Close interactions with another species may be affected by climate change (increase in a parasite - Winter Moose Ticks)
- Sensitive to pests or disease that are likely to increase (Winter Moose Ticks)
Whitman, A., A. Cutko, P. DeMaynadier, S. Walker, B. Vickery, S. Stockwell, and R. Houston. 2013. Climate change and biodiversity in Maine: vulnerability of habitats and priority species. Report SEI-2013-03. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences (in collaboration with Maine Beginning with Habitat Climate Change Working Group), Brunswick, ME. Available from:
Although this species was identified as not vulnerable to climate change, the following factors increase vulnerability:
- None
The factors below decrease this species... Read More
Although this species was identified as not vulnerable to climate change, the following factors increase vulnerability:
- None
The factors below decrease this species' vulnerability to climate change:
- Ability to move across the landscape and/or disperse relatively long distances
Sneddon, L. A., and G. Hammerson. 2014. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments of Selected Species in the North Atlantic LCC Region. NatureServe, Arlington, VA. Available from:
This species was identified as highly vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Natural barriers prevent dispersal or shifts in species' range
- Has... Read More
This species was identified as highly vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Natural barriers prevent dispersal or shifts in species' range
- Has close relationship with another species that will be likely be affected by climate change (parasites will increase)
- Slightly sensitive to changes in precipitation
- Has already experienced slight variations in annual precipitation (over the last 50 years)
- Already at southern edge of range
Hoving, C.L., Y.M. Lee, P.J. Badra, and B.J. Klatt. 2013. Changing climate, changing wildlife: a vulnerability assessment of 400 Species of Greatest Conservation Need and game species in Michigan. Wildlife Division Report No. 3564. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lansing, MI. Available from:
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