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Ecology and Vulnerability Marbled Salamander
Documented observations of Marbled Salamanders shown in orange. Data were developed by the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program as part of the BioMap2 project.
HideDocumented observations of Marbled Salamanders shown in orange. Data were developed by the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program as part of the...
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Ecology and Vulnerability
Marbled Salamander
Marbled salamanders are distributed across the eastern US from New Hampshire to northern Florida, and west to Lake Michigan in the north and Texas in the south... Read More
Marbled salamanders are distributed across the eastern US from New Hampshire to northern Florida, and west to Lake Michigan in the north and Texas in the south1. The species generally inhabits deciduous forest and prairie and is absent from much of the Appalachian Mountains1,2. In Massachusetts, it is present at relatively low abundances, (partially due to being at the extreme northern limit of its range), and is listed as "threatened" in Massachusetts3. Marbled salamanders breed in vernal pools, which are temporary, fishless ponds2. Unlike other vernal pool breeding salamanders, marbled salamanders migrate to pools in late summer and early fall when pools are dry or nearly dry. Eggs are deposited in dry portions of the pool and guarded by females until pools fill with the onset of autumn rains. Eggs hatch soon after they are flooded and larvae will overwinter beneath the ice in the pool4. Adults are terrestrial and retreat to higher ground surrounding breeding ponds for most of the year3. Marbled salamanders exhibit a high degree of philopatry, meaning they return to the ponds where they were born to breed6. However, a small percentage will disperse to different ponds, creating connections between different pond populations. Dispersal appears to be more frequent in contiguous forest habitats. Increasing development leads to isolation of populations7.
Climate Impacts
The species is at the northern end of its range in Massachusetts, and it is likely that a warming climate will result in expansion of the range northward5. High winter pond temperatures were found to significantly increase overwinter survival of larvae in southern New Hampshire. In addition, larvae are absent from ponds that freeze solid, suggesting that warmer temperatures could enhance available winter habitat as well as overwinter survival5.
However, higher temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns have the potential to reduce reproductive success and population sizes, and may affect the distribution of marbled salamanders in Massachusetts. Marbled salamanders are dependent on very specific pool hydrology for reproduction. Climate projections for the Northeast suggest that higher temperatures and a longer growing season will lead to increases in evapotranspiration (evaporation and transpiration from plants)8. These changes are expected to increase the frequency of short-term drought conditions, which is likely to reduce the amount of time vernal pools hold water. Changes in precipitation patterns that affect the timing of when pools fill with water or the volume of water in the pools over winter could negatively affect breeding success for this species.
1. Hammerson, G. 2004. Ambystoma opacum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.1. <>. (Accessed on 10 June 2015).
2. Fairman, C.M., L.L. Bailey, R.M. Chambers, T.M. Russell, and W.C. Funk. 2013. Species-specific effects of acidity on pond occupancy in Ambystoma salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 47:346-353.
3. Charney, N.D., J.E. Kubel, and C.S. Eiseman. 2015. Temporally adaptive sampling: a case study in rare species survey design with marbled salamanders (Ambystoma opacum). PloS ONE 10(3):e0120714.
4. Petranka, JW. 1998. Salamanders of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington DC.
5. Herstoff, E., and M.C. Urban. 2014. Will pre-adaptation buffer the impacts of climate change on novel species interactions? Ecography 37:111-119.
6. Gamble, L.R., K. McGarigal, D.B. Sigourney, and B.C. Timm. 2009. Survival and breeding frequency in marbled salamanders (Ambystoma opacum): implications for spatio-temporal population dynamics. Copeia 2:394-407.
7. Greenwald, K.R., H.L. Gibbs, and T.A. Waite. 2009. Efficacy of land-cover models in predicting isolation of marbled salamander populations in a fragmented landscape. Conservation Biology 25:1232-1241.
8. Huntington, T.G., A.D. Richardson, K.J. McGuire, and K. Hayhoe. 2009. Potential impacts of global climate change on the hydrology and ecology of ephemeral freshwater systems of the forests of the northeastern United States. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39:199-212.
9. McGarigal, K. 2008. Marbled salamander (Ambystoma opacum) conservation plan for Massachusetts. Available at: <>. (Accessed 12 June 2015).
This species was identified as highly vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Very sensitive to changes in precipitation
- Dependent on other... Read More
This species was identified as highly vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Very sensitive to changes in precipitation
- Dependent on other species to create habitat
- Unable to disperse long distances or move across the landscape as conditions change
- Anthropogenic and natural barriers prevent dispersal or shifts in species' range
- Slightly limited genetic variation within the population
- Slightly sensitive to change in the timing of seasons and/or other environmental cues
The factors below decrease this species' vulnerability to climate change:
- Changes in temperature may slightly increase population
- Has already experienced slight increases in annual precipitation (over the last 50 years)
Schlesinger, M.D., J.D. Corser, K.A. Perkins, and E.L. White. 2011. Vulnerability of at-risk species to climate change in New York. New York Natural Heritage Program, Albany, NY. Available from:
This species was identified as highly vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Very sensitive to changes in precipitation
- Has already experienced... Read More
This species was identified as highly vulnerable to climate change because of the following factors:
- Very sensitive to changes in precipitation
- Has already experienced variations in annual precipitation (over the last 50 years)
- barriers prevent dispersal or shifts in species' range
- Slightly impacted by changes due to human response to climate change
- Depends on natural disturbance likely to be affected by climate change
The factors below decrease this species' vulnerability to climate change
- Not restricted by the need for specialized habitat
- Species may expand range in this area
Hoving, C.L., Y.M. Lee, P.J. Badra, and B.J. Klatt. 2013. Changing climate, changing wildlife: a vulnerability assessment of 400 Species of Greatest Conservation Need and game species in Michigan. Wildlife Division Report No. 3564. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lansing, MI. Available from:
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