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Ecology and Vulnerability Brook Trout

Map displays likely Brook Trout habitat in blue (coldwater fisheries resources streams). Also displayed are streams where Brook Trout have been observed (by Mass DFW personnel) shown in orange. The "Probability of Occurance" map displays current distribution of Brook Trout. Streams in blue are more likely to be inhabited by Brook Trout based on environmental conditions, while streams in yellow are less likely to have Brook Trout. Stream characteristics that help predict whether Brook Trout can be found in each stream include stream size, average air temperature, nearby forest cover, and soil characteristics. Estimates are from the USGS Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center, based on field surveys from Massachusetts DFW and agencies of nearby states CT, NH, VT, and NY. Priority crossings for possible culvert replacement or retrofit on coldwater streams (summer mean temperature < 16C) are represented by blue dots and triangles. If these are not visible, use the plus sign to zoom in. You can layer in locations for the top 5% and 10% of crossings with the highest restoration potential as estimated by landscape modeling. Blue dots are crossings that have been assessed in the field and the potential for restoring aquatic passability is reliable. Blue triangles are crossings that have not yet been assessed and the restoration potential is hypothetical. Data are from a specialized run of Critical Linkages for coldwater streams conducted in 2017.


Map displays likely Brook Trout habitat in blue (coldwater fisheries resources streams). Also displayed are streams where Brook Trout have been observed (by...

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Ecology and Vulnerability
Brook Trout

Photo credit: U.S. Forest Service

Scientific name:
Salvelinus fontinalis

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