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Preserve unique habitats: Establish forest patch reserves

Adaptation Strategies and Actions

Preserve unique habitats: Establish forest patch reserves

Adaptation type: 
Land protection


Preserve unique habitats


Establish reserves for at-risk and displaced species

Photo credit: Paul Catanzaro
Photo credit: Paul Catanzaro

Patch reserves are small areas of unmanaged forest surrounding important ecological resources. Patch reserves can be as small as 10-15 trees or as large as dozens of acres. They are often placed around rare plants, endangered species habitat, or areas which have existing characteristics you want to protect, such as diverse areas, or high-value habitat features (e.g. vernal pool?). These areas serve not only as areas of refuge in a changing climate, but also serve a very important function as "stepping stones" across the landscape for plants and animals that prefer undisturbed sites and can't move over long distances, such as many invertebrates and amphibians. Patch reserves should be marked in the field with paint and also noted on a map.

Scope and Constraints

Ongoing action
Minimal or no cost


Forestry Goal 3: Protect rare species and sites

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