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Maintain or restore soil quality: Limit recreational impacts
Adaptation Strategies and Actions
Maintain or restore soil quality: Limit recreational impacts
Maintain or restore soil quality
Limit recreational impacts
Forests will experience increased stress in a changing climate and thus will be more susceptible to tree death and the spread of hardy invasive species?. Sometimes, heavy recreational use contributes to death of tree seedlings and sapling. If your property sees moderate to heavy recreational use, ensure that the users respect provided trails, install water bar features, and avoid recreation in sensitive areas. More information on how to install a water bar or perform other water mitigation strategies on trails can be found here.
The spread of invasive species is a serious concern as species ranges shift with a changing climate. People can also be a carrier of invasive plant species. Installing boot brushes at hiking entrances can help slow the spread of invasive species by removing seeds being carried in soil on hiking boots. If you do not want mechanized vehicles such as All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) on your land, block off access points, particularly after a timber harvest.
Target Species, Species Groups, Habitats and Stressors
Scope and Constraints
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