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About Us
The Massachusetts Wildlife Climate Action Tool is designed to inform and inspire local action to protect the Commonwealth’s natural resources in a changing climate. It was developed for local decision-makers, conservation practitioners, large landowners, and community leaders across the state.
With this tool, you can:
- access information on climate change impacts and vulnerability of species and habitats, as well as
- explore adaptation strategies and actions to help maintain healthy, resilient natural communities based on your location and interests. Initial development of the tool is focused on fish and wildlife species, forests and forestry practices, landscape connectivity (with a focus on climate related impacts on roads and culverts), land protection, and conservation planning.
This tool was developed in partnership by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, the Department of Interior’s Northeast Climate Science Center, and the U.S. Geological Survey’s Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.
You can learn more about using the tool in our User Guide.
For information on the climate change data used, see our Learning About Climate Change page.
Please see the Contact and Feedback page to add your feedback.
This tool was developed by the Climate Action Tool Development Team:
- Scott Jackson, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- John O’Leary, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Michelle Staudinger, DOI Northeast Climate Science Center
- Stephen DeStefano, USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
- Melissa Ocana, University of Massachusetts – Amherst
- Ana Rosner, US Geological Survey
- Katie Theoharides, Theoharides Consulting
- Jonathan Brooks, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Tom Cairns, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Marilyn Castriotta, Antioch University New England
- Paul Catanzaro, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Tony D'Amato, University of Vermont
- Nicole DeAngelis, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Laura Hilberg, EcoAdapt
- Stephen Jane, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Toni Lyn Morelli, DOI Northeast Climate Science Center
- Emily Silver Huff, Michigan State University
- Mikaela Heming, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Steven Mattocks, University of Massachusetts- Amherst
- Elisabeth Hamin, University of Massachusetts- Amherst
The Massachusetts Climate Adaptation Partnership and Climate Action Tool Development Team would like to thank all those who helped develop and improve this tool by providing expertise, data, testing, and valuable feedback. In particular, we thank:
- Common Media, Inc. team
- Beth Armour and Andy Slocombe, UMass Amherst Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
- Dan Koch and Kevin Robicheau, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Alex Bryan, DOI Northeast Climate Science Center
- Hector Galbraith, EcoSolutions
- Ambarish Karmalkar, DOI Northeast Climate Science Center, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- David Paulson, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Chris Duncan, GIS Matters
- Eric Roberts, Consensus Building Institute
- Margot Mansfield, Office of Coastal Zone Management
- Amanda Davis, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Emily Powell, US Fish & Wildlife Service
When referencing this tool, you can use this citation: Massachusetts Climate Adaptation Partnership. 2015. Massachusetts Wildlife Climate Action Tool. Accessed on <date>.
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